by Olivia Palermo
To Generation Z, the concept of sustainability isn’t as fresh as it’s simply the right thing to do. But to the rest of us, meaning those slightly older folks who grew up on heritage (read: drugstore) beauty buys, we’re just still not used to it yet. That isn’t stopping a slew of beauty start-ups, however, who are making it their mission to clean up the planet and raise awareness around the art of taking care of oneself.
“It is an expensive exercise to do environmentally friendly packaging today due to the lack of the demand from the cosmetics, food and many other industries.
It is cheaper to produce boxes in the plastic coated, glossy foil printed paper board, than in the 100% compostable or recycled paper that we use at Dr Jackson’s, and needless to say plastic containers are much cheaper than glass. But we prefer to subsidise part of the costs of our packaging and avoid as much as this industry allows, to cause any harm to the environment.”
by Lucia Fontaina-Powell
On Friday 24th May 2019, over a million people from 110 countries around the world coordinated protests challenging the lack of political action against climate change. They were united by their mounting distress for the safety of the planet - and the fact that they were all school students.
by Lucia Fontaina-Powell
Carmen Busquets opened her first business, a designer clothing store in Caracas, Venezuela, at just 22 years old. Since then, she has been a true forward-thinker in the fashion industry, advocating for change in the way we create and consume clothes - and putting her money where her mouth is.